Adding to Dad’s Box of News

On Wednesday, the 45th President of the United States was impeached. It was a sad moment for me, not because I didn’t believe there was sufficient evidence to proceed to a trial, but because our country had again elected a man who makes this a necessity. I hope there will be a fair trial.

I decided this was an event that should be added to my father’s box of newspapers, which records events Dad considered important enough to save, beginning with the assassination of JFK in 1963 through the attack on September 11. Dad died two months before the election of Barack Obama, so I added that to the box.

It was interesting to me that my apolitical father saved a newspaper recording the inauguration of Bill Clinton but not his impeachment, yet there were several papers focused on Watergate, Nixon’s resignation, and the swearing in of Gerald Ford.

I knew it would be difficult, if not impossible, to locate a copy of the Washington Post here in my southern city, so I enlisted my daughter’s mother-in-law in purchasing a copy for me. My neighborhood Publix supermarket did not let me down because it was there that I was able to buy a copy of the New York Times.

With that, my father’s interest in preserving all the news that’s fit to print continues.

About kjw616

I am a genealogy detective. I have already written one book about my Irish family's journey from 19th century Ireland to the United States- a family history sprinkled with personal anecdotes. My second book was intended to be a similar story about my Russian ancestors. Instead, it turned into a tale of just my father's immediate family. It is the tale of what happens when 6 children from New Jersey are moved to the Soviet Union by their Russian-born parents during the Great Depression. It details who lives, who dies, and who is able to return to NJ during a time when leaving the USSR was not an easy endeavor, particularly during World War II and the Cold War. It is my hope that those interested in history during this time period will find this story fascinating as well as those fellow amateur family historians who will learn some of the tools such as, visits to the National Archives, and local libraries I used to uncover this story.
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1 Response to Adding to Dad’s Box of News

  1. wilhag says:

    Very interesting, Karen!!

    Sent from Harriet’s iPad


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